
Education Matters: Montgomery County School (March 2024)

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Exploring Literacy Together

During the month of March, our schools go into a power drive to support our children while preparing for state testing. This school year, we’ve dedicated more resources to support our children as they prepare for the ACAP test, which will be administered next month. As parents, we’re constantly reading or discussing the best ways to support our children.

However, some of the simplest ways to support our children during assessments are building healthy habits, creating routines that support at-home learning, and creating valued time with family. All of the above mentioned are just a few tasks that support our children. By now, you’re probably familiar with our literacy programs and our goals. MPS is working diligently to ensure all students are supported when it comes to literacy. We’ve hired more reading coaches, supplied our classrooms with resources to support literacy, and fine-tuned a district-wide literacy plan that will support all students. Although this is happening in our schools, supporting healthy literacy habits has to be a part of our children’s home lives.

Championing literacy helps shape the future of our children. One of my favorite pastimes with my children included reading every night before bed. Setting aside time each day to read aloud to your child creates opportunities for your children to grasp new vocabulary, allows them to be imaginative while listening, and strengthens the parent and child relationship. Another way to encourage literacy is to create quiet time after a long day and encourage everyone in the house to read.

In addition to reading with your children, it is important to encourage our students to spend time reading independently. Allowing children to choose their favorite genre of books allows them to build a deeper connection with literacy. I would encourage parents to make sure their children are free from distractions when reading independently just to make sure they’re focused while reading.

Literacy is a part of our everyday lives and develops our critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We’re proud of the strides our students are making when it comes to literacy, and we’re grateful to our community for supporting these efforts. I’m encouraging our students to visit their local libraries, bookstores, and online resources to find books that interest them. Together, we’re preparing our students for their futures, and I’m proud of the work we’re doing. Remember, there’s more with MPS.

Melvin J. Brown, Ed.D., is the superintendent of Montgomery Public Schools and previously served as superintendent of Reynoldsburg City Schools in Ohio. He has 24 years of school administrative experience.


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