
Education Matters: Montgomery County School (September 2024)

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We’re well into the school year now, with almost a month under our belts. It’s been wonderful visiting so many schools, and I’m truly inspired by the enthusiasm and dedication I’ve seen. We have an incredible year ahead of us, and I’m excited to witness all the amazing things we’ll accomplish together. To our supportive parents and guardians, thank you for your continued support and partnership. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our students, and we are grateful for the trust you place in us to provide a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for your children.

We encourage our students to put their best foot forward everyday, as we need their attendance in class every single day, ready to learn and engage with teachers. I encourage our students to continue with the eagerness to learn, commitment to doing their best, and I encourage them to carry that spirit with them every day.

This year we’re excited to kick off several new initiatives that will impact the success of our school district. Our “Portrait of a Graduate” vision outlines the skills and qualities we are developing in our students to prepare them for the diverse pathways they may choose after graduation.

This vision encompasses not just academic proficiency, but also the development of essential 21st-century skills, including critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and creativity. These are the skills that will allow our students to thrive in the rapidly changing world they are entering. We envision our graduates as individuals who are prepared to pursue a variety of successful pathways post-graduation, including:

Post-Secondary Education: Graduates will be prepared to succeed in both two-year and four-year college programs, pursuing their academic interests with confidence and preparedness.

Workforce Success: Students will possess the skills and attributes valued by employers, enabling them to seamlessly transition into fulfilling careers.

Military Service: Graduates will have the necessary skills and discipline to excel in the military, contributing to national security and global peace.

Entrepreneurship: Students will be encouraged to develop entrepreneurial skills, creativity, and resilience, equipping them to launch and manage successful ventures.

We are committed to developing these skills and attributes in all of our students, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future endeavors. As we move forward, I am confident that this will be a year of growth, learning, and achievement for all of us.

Melvin J. Brown, Ed.D., is the superintendent of Montgomery Public Schools and previously served as superintendent of Reynoldsburg City Schools in Ohio. He has 24 years of school administrative experience.


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