Christmas always seems to sneak up on me, and this year was no exception. Seeing our neighborhood’s beautifully decorated homes before Thanksgiving made me a little anxious about getting started on our own. Since this task can feel overwhelming, I decided to do things differently this year.
In the past, I would declare a day for decorating, getting the family on board as best as possible. What would follow was a very tiring and often frustrating day, trying to get it all finished before bedtime. I would serve hot cocoa and turn on the Christmas tunes, but sure enough, there would be a meltdown at some point from the kids who didn’t want to help the whole time or the parents after the second trip to Home Depot for replacement lights. So this year, I decided to break up the process and take it a whatever pace felt peaceful. One day I put out a few wreaths, decorated the fireplace mantle, and put up the now pre-lit Christmas tree. (I’ll never know why it took so long for us to buy a tree that already had lights on it.) A few days later, we moved on to adding the ornaments to the tree and more decor around the house. Several days after that, we lit up the outside…and DONE! I’m pretty sure I’ll keep this no-stress decorating tradition from now on.
The holiday season is busy, so removing whatever stress possible should be a priority. Does shopping for the perfect gifts for all your loved ones overwhelm you and steal your holiday joy? Consider changing it up this year after you read Sarah Lyons article, 7 Experience Gifts to Give Kids This Year. You’ll find ideas like concert tickets and travel, and also unique experiences like the gift of art classes, summer camp, and subscription boxes.
Also, in this issue, we’ve included our Holiday Happenings Guide, where you’ll find activities and events to help you experience all the joy of Christmas with your family. From meaningful church services to beautiful light displays to entertaining musicals, there’s something for all ages to enjoy. And plenty of fun to keep you feeling jolly all month long.
As 2022 comes to a close, we want to thank you for your support as we continue to serve families in the River Region. We are privileged to journey on this rewarding and challenging road of raising a family with you each month. This month marks the beginning of our 28th year publishing River Region Parents, and we look forward to many more.
Merry Christmas, and may your holiday season be filled with peace, joy, and memorable moments with family and friends!