While January is usually when I decide to start eating healthier and drop any unwanted pounds put on the previous year, February is when I reevaluate and refocus if necessary. Of course, that is if I haven’t given up altogether. Well, I’m happy to say I have kept my commitment thus far in 2023, even if there have been some slip-ups and cheat days along the way. I’m trying desperately to stay on track and not quit, even if I take a Saturday or an entire weekend off here and there. I’m reminding myself that health and wellness is a journey—a marathon rather than a sprint. The same goes for our kids’ health, even if it sometimes feels like we are in a losing battle.
Here’s an example of how that battle looks in our house these days with our almost 12-year-old. We buy healthy foods for her lunchbox, and she packs herself a nutritious meal most days. Then, on a random day, I log in to her school lunch account to make sure she has some money for a day she might need it, and what do I see? Monday’s purchase – 1 Fresh Cookie. Tuesday’s purchase – 1 Fresh Cookie. Wednesday’s purchase – 1 Fresh Cookie, and so on. It’s infuriating, honestly, even if I am giggling about it now that some weeks have passed since our last incident.
We have taught Grace how foods work for and against our bodies – carbs, proteins, fats, empty calories and so on. She can explain it to you if you ask her. However, nothing seems to be able to curb that sweet tooth! At some point, our children have to have more than head knowledge. They must have “buy-in” on fueling their bodies and minds correctly. Again, I believe it is a journey for all of us, and I remain hopeful that her knowledge will be power…eventually!
Knowing many of you are in the same boat, we give you our February Healthy Kids Issue! A couple of features not to miss are 7 Ways to Promote Your Child’s Healthy Lifestyle and How to Stay Motivated on Your Health Journey. Both articles offer helpful advice for kids and adults alike. We have also included our Healthy Kids Guide, sharing local resources to help your family focus on becoming and staying healthy. From businesses offering fitness programs and active entertainment to health food stores and pediatricians, our guide will connect you with the right folks. And be sure to check out this month’s Dinner’s Ready for a quick and nutritious meal to add to your family’s weekly menu!
Here’s to a healthier 2023 for you and your family!