
July Teacher of the Month:
Terry Collins, Pike Road Elementary

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Teaching one child is no easy feat, let alone an entire classroom of curious minds. And, although teaching presents its challenges, for those who love shaping children at a tender age—it’s gratifying—and a dream come true. 

The world needs more teachers like Terry Collins, who’s been teaching for three decades.

Currently, she is a kindergarten teacher at Pike Road Elementary School, with six years of service.

Her career consists of teaching first grade for eight years and 22 years as a kindergarten teacher.

When Pike Road Elementary opened its doors, Mrs. Collins knew it was the best fit for her.

She explains…

“I thought it aligned with my teaching style, and I was excited about being a part of opening a new school.” 

Mrs. Collins also shares some of her teaching goals and explains why she chose these particular goals presented inside her classroom.


She says, “In addition to the fundamentals of learning such as reading, writing, and math, I want my learners to be polite, responsible, kind and leave things better than they found them. The reason is this…

They will always have the tools they need to learn and will have the ability to make the world a better place.

After retiring, Mrs. Collins sees herself volunteering for a nonprofit organization focusing on promoting health, wellness, and education for women and children. Also, in her spare time, she will focus on writing more children’s books. She published her first book in 2020, Mouse in the House. It is a story about making friends in the most unlikely places. 

Congratulations, Mrs. Collins, on being chosen as River Region Parents July Teacher of the Month!

Terry Collins has been married to her husband, Craig, for 25 years. She was born in Warrington, England; however, she has lived in many different places. The couple has two children in college: Shelby (21) and Zachary (20).


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