
Mom to Mom with Kimberly Sabel

Mom to Mom december RRP

How did you transition to being a stay-at-home mom?

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Kimberly: I used to own and operate an aerial arts facility, and it became clear that it wasn’t financially feasible to continue. After approaching my landlord, she informed me that my neighbors wanted to sublet my space. It felt like such a blessing to get out of the lease. I was heartbroken to close, but I found out I was pregnant with Sadie Mae. She’s a rainbow baby. Sean and I decided that with his recent promotion, I would focus on being a mom.

What inspired you to join the Montgomery Area Zoological Society (MAZS)?

Kimberly: Sean’s family has been a big part of the zoo for many years, his great-aunt being a major driving force. When the opportunity arose to have a more active role, I was honored to be a part of that legacy. The past two years have been fulfilling stepping into the food and beverage chair role for Zoobilation, our largest fundraising event.

How has volunteering for Second Chance Ministry for Men enriched your life?

Kimberly: I cannot express with words how privileged I feel to have the opportunity to contribute to LifeHouse. These men are working hard to build a foundation for a new life. They are developing trades, building resumes, and learning about a relationship with Christ. They are such an inspiration.

How do you overcome motherhood challenges while parenting your two young children: Sadie Mae (5) and Kenzie (2)?

Kimberly: Oh, this is tough. I think my toughest challenges are frustration and feeling overwhelmed. I take lots of deep breaths. Sometimes, I mess up, and I believe in repairing it immediately. I think it’s vital that kids know it’s okay to make mistakes and how to admit when we are wrong. I am also so grateful for the ways that Sean lightens the load when he knows I have a full plate. That partnership is critical to our success.

Being married for 13 years, what’s the best way you and Sean have found to stay connected during this busy season of parenting?

Kimberly: Sean and I honor bedtime for the girls to allow ourselves time with each other at night. We also try to make time for a date night once a month. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to spend quality time together. We also randomly meet for lunch since sometimes it’s easier to schedule, and we don’t have to find a babysitter.

What do you hope your children learn from you as they grow?

Kimberly: I hope my children learn to have strong work ethics and to be good people. We are trying to impress upon them the importance of including people versus excluding people.

What’s the best mom advice you’ve ever received?

Kimberly: To talk to myself and treat myself the way I talk to and treat other people. I never realized how mean I was to myself until hearing Sadie Mae repeat the things I said. I have since transitioned to really intentional speaking.

What does self-care mean to you, and what are your favorite things to do for self-care?

Kimberly: Self-care for me is physical activity in all forms! I love yoga, hiking, and bike riding, and recently fell in love with running. I am gradually getting back into aerial acrobatics, which I’ve missed so much. I’m a bookworm and have an audiobook in my ear whenever possible. I also love going to the spa whenever funds and schedules allow.

Rapid Fire Questions
What is your favorite thing to do at your lake home?
We love taking hikes and going out on the kayaks.

What’s your favorite audiobook? From the Mixed Up Files of
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg

As a runner, what’s the furthest you’ve ever run?
My longest run thus far is five miles. I’m happiest at three miles.

What’s the funniest phrase your children say? I farted.

What one chore would you delegate in your home? All of them!

Kimberly Sabel has been married to Sean Sabel for 13 years and they have two children. The family attends Church of the Highlands and lives in Montgomery.


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