
Pike Road Student Spotlights-September ’21

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Every month we compile a list of students doing great things across the River Region.  We have so many talented students in our area.  River Region Parents joins with their families and schools to celebrate their achievements!

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Local Church Donates Supplies to PRS

Thank you to Dalraida Church of Christ for donating THOUSANDS of bottles of hand sanitizer that Pike Road Schools will be able to make available to each of our learners and lead learners at the start of the school year.

Education Matters Mont

Macon East Holds Pee Wee & Flag Football Camps

Macon East Academy’s volunteer coaches and varsity football players enjoyed working with the elementary boys at the Macon East football camp. They learned fundamental skills, worked on various drills, and came together as a team. Grades 1-3 will be participating in the Flag Football games and grades 4-6 will be on the Pee Wee football team. They will both be under the lights on Tuesday nights!


It is our pleasure to serve you and your family as the River Region's #1 Resource for local families.
River Region Parents
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