Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community. We have so many talented students in our area. River Region Parents joins with these families and schools to celebrate their achievements!

PRES Spring Theatre Productions

Not many theatres can claim to run ten different shows in two days, but that’s exactly what Mr. Clark did with the PRES Theatre! This quarter, he decided to allow each class to choose a play they would like to perform. Since the performances would fall during Read Across America week, it only made sense to choose a play based on a book! Most of the stories and songs were re-imagined by Mr. Clark but were still familiar to the audience. Classes learned how to do a singing, acting, and dancing audition before their mock try-outs. Once the plays were cast, the classes stayed busy learning the songs, blocking, choreography, lines, and more! Each of the ten classes showcased their play to nearly 40 attendees, resulting in more than 400 visitors at the PRES theatre across two days!

Pike Road VRX Robotics State Winners

Three Pike Road Robotics Teams left the State Championship as winners! High School team, Big Brains, won the State Tournament (along with their alliance, Go Bananas from Mountain Brook). Big Brains also won the highest award presented at a robotics tournament, the Excellence Award!

Pike Road High Show Choir Travels to Orlando

The High School Show Choir, Prestige, traveled to Orlando for a few days of learning, performing, and fun! The 40 students enjoyed an experience at the Universal Studios Show Choir Workshop learning choreography, getting advice from a professional performer, asking questions about the auditioning process, and learning about different types of jobs performers can get. The Universal Studios Stage Crew commented multiple times how our students were so supportive of each other and they were impressed that the kids were not afraid to take risks during the learning process. They were even interested in some of our students auditioning for them! After the students completed their workshop, they entertained park guests with their final electrifying performance at Universal Studios City Walk!

Macon East Honor Society Inductees

Macon East Academy is proud to announce 19 new inductees to the National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society. New members received their certificate of accomplishment from NHS advisor, Mr. Raymond Clinton.
The following students in 7th-9th grade were inducted: Megan Hardy, Molly Kate Garrett, Addie Longcrier, Grace Roy, Hadley Sirmon, Sophie Clark, Ava Noffsinger, Bella Ann Spires, and John David Spires.
The following students in 10th-12th grade were inducted: Casey Stengell, Elliot Fitch, Will Hasson, Caden Mobley, Jamya Powell, Livi Robinson, Cole Streetman, Jackson Todd, and Braiden Watkins.
Serving as officers for the National Honor Society are Ethan Jones (President), Kaiden Byrom (Vice President), Alexis Davis (Secretary), Colton Lunn (Treasurer), and Mary Taylor May (Chaplain).

Read Across America at PRES

Each year, Pike Road Elementary School celebrates National Read Across America Day for one week, coinciding with the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Guest readers flood the halls of the school throughout the week. This year, the visitors included parents, older siblings, PRS High School students, former teachers, PRHS football players, PRS district leaders, PRS Board Members, community members, Big Mo from the Biscuits, Superintendent Dr. Keith Lankford, County Commissioner Doug Singleton, and Mayor Gordon Stone.

Pike Road High Visual Arts Winners

Pike Road High School has eight visual arts students who won the Youth Art Month winners for 2024! Their artwork will be exhibited in the Dothan Wiregrass Museum from March 1st to 30th. Neo Choi’s Hopeful Dreams won the Congressional Award (pictured below) and will be recognized at an awards ceremony in Washington, DC. Choi’s artwork will be displayed in the U.S. Capitol for one year.

FFA Week at Pike Road Schools

The Pike Road Future Farmers of America (FFA) kicked off FFA Week by hosting their 3rd annual Swine Show. This was their largest show with more than 45 exhibitors, ranging from preschool to freshmen in college, showing off 95 swine. Winners received plaques made by students in the Pike Road FFA program. Part of FFA is service, and they displayed that Thursday morning by serving breakfast to GW teachers and staff. The FFA Members wrapped up their week by heading to PRES to introduce kindergartners to their farm animal friends.

Pike Road, Eighth Graders Test Motion Laws

Mr. Belyeu’s C8 Science classes observed and experimented with Newton’s Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The students built balloon rockets using twine, tape, straws, and of course balloons. Their objective was to make the balloon travel a specific distance in the shortest amount of time possible. They would try their design, make adjustments, and test it again. Most teams were able to get their balloon across the room, with some teams attempting and succeeding at a vertical launch.

Teddy Bear Hospital at PRES

The PRHS Health Sciences students (HOSA) held a Teddy Bear Hospital at PRES with Ms. Motes’, Mrs. Chittam’s, and Ms. Chambers’ 2nd-grade classes. The areas included dental care, general patient care, x-ray capabilities, and more. The students put hospital bracelets on their bears & dolls with their stuffed animal’s name, just like in a real hospital. Each “patient” went through the check-up process and learned the importance of staying healthy. At the end of their visit, each teddy bear received a certificate of “BEARY” good health.

Pike Road Sixth Graders Visit Dauphin Island

Pike Road’s C6 Beta Club & PEP Class spent some time learning about Marine Biology at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab! Students explored the marsh, investigating fish, bugs, plants, and more. They ventured out on a sea vessel where they caught and closely observed many different types of marine life such as shrimp, crabs, sting rays, and different types of fish. The groups designed water robots and competed to see which group could catch the most rings. The highlight for some students was having the opportunity to dissect a squid. No trip to Dauphin Island would be complete without some beach exploration. Students were able to attempt to catch some fish by trawling with nets.