
Education Matters: Pike Road School (February ’25)

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As we reach the midpoint of the academic year, there is much to celebrate! Our students have successfully completed their first semester of learning, winter sports are winding down, and we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring sports. The district is making great strides in many areas, and the momentum continues.

In construction news, site work at the new high school is now complete. The next phase, focused on building construction, is set to commence after the bid process is completed. While this may take a few months, we are excited about the progress and look forward to seeing our vision take shape.

We are also thrilled to announce that the Pike Road Schools Central Office has a new home! After four years at Saint James Church, we are moving into our own space. The new Central Office is located off Highway 80 in the building formerly known as the “Old Buckmaster Building.” This marks the fourth and final location for the Central Office since our schools opened in 2015. The new space offers ample room for our team and future growth. Additionally, our technology building features a Collaborative Learning Center for teachers and students. We look forward to hosting our monthly board meetings in this new facility.

Last month, Pike Road Schools implemented a new personal communication device policy, introducing Yondr Pouches for all secondary learners on the GW campus. Each student secures their phone in an assigned Yondr pouch during school hours, keeping their device with them but inaccessible. Districts using this program have reported improvements in student behavior, engagement, safety, wellness, and academic performance. While students may initially be hesitant, we believe they will soon appreciate the benefits of reduced phone distractions.

As we reflect on our accomplishments from the first semester, we are still looking forward to all of the achievements yet to come in the second half of the academic year.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our students’ success.

Superintendent, Dr. Keith Lankford has a wealth of experience in public education in Alabama. Before earning his Bachelor’s, Master’s, Education Specialist, and Doctorate, Dr. Lankford served several years in the Army and the National Guard. He has worked at almost every level of education, including paraprofessional, teacher, principal, and superintendent.


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