October 2024 Issue

RRP front cover converted


Who doesn’t love that first feeling of Fall? It makes us want to get outside with our family to take it all in. This month’s Fall Festivities and Halloween Fun Guide will help you enjoy the season in so many ways. And hey, don’t forget about everything else we’ve got going on!

Our website is your one-stop shop for everything parenting. From helpful articles on raising happy, healthy kids to real-life stories from other moms and dads who totally get it, you’ll find it all here. We’ve got community spotlights, a family calendar full of fun things to do, and plenty of tips to keep your home running smoothly. So, grab a cozy blanket, and dive into the October issue—there’s so much waiting for you!


Mom to Mom with Tenesha Carter

How do you balance being a 12-year business owner for Aqualime Skincare and being a busy mom? Tenesha: To be very transparent, it’s hard, and something I’m still working on […]

Grands are the Greatest OCT RRP

Grands Are the Greatest: Meet The Russells

Tell us about your grandchildren: John Thomas (2), Brooks (10 mths), and Lucie Jane (newborn). Steve and I have three daughters, so we were ecstatic to find out our first […]

Teacher of the month RRP Oct

Teacher of the Month: Angela Lawson, Pike Road Junior High School

Angela Lawson began her teaching career in 2001. Since 2020, Mrs. Lawson has been using her innovative teaching strategies at Pike Road Junior High as the head of the math […]

From the Editor RRP oct ()

From the Editor – October 2024

At what age did your parents make you stop trick-or-treating? I remember my last hoorah, going house to house through Carol Villa in search of candy, around age 13. As […]

Discover Your Options Inside Our

Fall Festival Guide

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River Region Parents

Make Plans With Our

Family Event Calendar

Student & School Spotlights October RRP (Pratville)

October 2024 Student Spotlights – Prattville, Autauga, & Elmore County

Every month we compile a list of students doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  River Region Parents joins with their families [...]
Student & School Spotlights OCT Pike Road RRP

October 2024 Student Spotlights – Pike Road

Every month we compile a list of students doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  River Region Parents joins with their families [...]
Student & School Spotlights Oct RRP (Montgomery)

October 2024 Student Spotlights – Montgomery

Every month we compile a list of students and schools doing great things across our community.  We have so many talented students in our area.  River Region Parents joins with [...]
EducationMatters SuperHeaders

Education Matters: Elmore County School (October 2024)

Our students and staff have settled into their routines and fall sports are in full swing with many football and volleyball games, as well as cross country track meets already […]

EducationMatters SuperHeaders

Education Matters – Autauga County School (October 2024)

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind since officially kicking off the ad valorem school tax referendum with a joint press conference. While we’ve been working on this project […]

EducationMatters SuperHeaders PRS

Education Matters: Pike Road School (October 2024)

As we step into October, it’s hard to believe the first quarter of the school year is already coming to a close. With the seasons changing, our students, teachers, and […]

EducationMatters SuperHeaders

Education Matters: Montgomery County School (October 2024)

Serving this district as Superintendent has been one of the greatest honors of my career. From the moment I stepped into this role, the dedication of our educators has inspired […]

More Magic and Fewer Meltdowns Tips for Trick Or Treating Parents

More Magic and Fewer Meltdowns: Tips for Trick-Or-Treating Parents

Blisters abound, sugar levels soar, dehydration ensues, and next thing you know, what started as a fun, festive night feels more like a ghoulish nightmare. Before you turn into a […]

Pilgrimage to the Pumpkin Patch Make It An Annual Family Tradition

Pilgrimage to the Pumpkin Patch: Make It An Annual Family Tradition

Every year, weeks before Halloween, we take a half-day pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch. Our local pumpkin patch is so festive that we usually go twice each season, once as […]

Dave Ramsey Oct

Rewarding Success

My wife and I are trying hard to get out of debt and start controlling our finances. We’ve always given our kids allowances in the past, but we’ve been considering […]

Teens and Screens

The Importance of Micro-Moments in Your Child’s Life

Many years ago, I learned about micronutrients and macronutrients. The key difference lies in the amount required by the body. Macronutrients are needed in large quantities for energy and structure, […]

How to Connect With a Teen When They're Never at Home

How to Connect With a Teen When They’re Never at Home

Ken Ginsburg, MD, the founding director of The Center for Parent and Teen Communication in Philadelphia and author of Congrats…You’re Having a Teen!: Strengthen Your Family and Raise a Good […]

Five Kid Behaviors Adult Can Learn to Do Better

Five Kid Behaviors Adult Can Learn to Do Better

Please use your inside voice.Eat your broccoli.It’s bedtime.Wear your jacket. As a parent, you have probably said at least one of these statements more than a hundred times to your […]

River Region Parents
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